Yearly Archives: 2014

Photography-6 Edited-ups

1. I did a quick edit on the photo but it looks good. 2. The photo has a high exposure so I turned it down. 3. The up close photo didn’t have the colours so I add more colour in

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The Atomic Bomb Explodes, 1945

On August 6, 1945, the bombing was in japan, The bomb caused the immediate death of 70,000 people. This figure increased to an estimated 200,000 as more victims succumbed to nuclear radiation. i chose this photo because its interesting.

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photography analysis

this photo is a meaning of life because tell refresh air for you to breath. People: Objects: tree, leaf, branch, sky Activities: Question 1. when was it taken? 2. where is it taken? 3. what tree is it? 4. how

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first photo for term 2

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  i chose this photo because i have the same iphone and wallpaper but he camera is from the 1990’s so the photo will not look clear and good.

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Appropriation is a very important part in art kind. in music, appropriating a song is like doing a cover of a older song. this is taken an old part of art, puts it in a different meaning. A fancy term

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A little more meaning

  Today in photography i took a photo of the same objects several times and this one is the best, the closet leaf is not focused but the higher leaves are focused on, so it is clear.

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series of photo

this photo is more focused on the horizon line.   In this photo it is more focused on the top of the free and it looks stuning.

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Series of photos

  today we took some photos related to all the stuff we learnt in photography. this photo has GRASS and the HORIZON line is in the middle of the photo. the rule of thirds is used in this photo.

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